A complete unit for load measurement, a weighing solution, for Vessels-, Containers-, Silo-, tanks-, hoppers-, bins-, platforms- or other types of containers and vessels, are used to determine the amount of material emptied, stored, or discharged.
Load Cells are the key in a silo-, tank- & vessel weighing, by installing load cells under the object to be weighed it is converted into a scale making it possible to determine the mass of solids, bulks and even some liquids.
The set-up can be used to determine the amount of material, that is:
A use is also level measurement, where weight is used to calculate the level of material in a silo.
Load cells, the number depending on the application, are installed under the load carrier and used to determine the weight with very high accuracy.
Load cells, transmitters, and controllers for silo-, tank-, and container weighing.
The Weigh Transmitter W3 analog to digital load cell converter, level control and weight/signal monitoring.
The A2-A14 controller for indication of gross- and net weight in tough environments as a local indicator or remote transmitter.
The Load cell K – N4, 35-3000 kg for compression and tension loads.
The Load cells of type MBS, with a capacity range from 5-10 t or 20 t, for compression loads.
The Load Cell type M, with a capacity from 5 – 40 t, a complete package for load measurement.
• Made in Sweden
• High Quality and have a long life span
• with a 5 year warranty